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    Components Why Us Why Not Others

    There are absolutely no limit to the number of pages you can add to your website built on Themestock

    With others you can hardly build up to maximum 10 to 100 pages, there are limitations.


    You can customize the website to your choice including the Layout and CSS.

    Other website builders don’t allow you to customize your website the way you wanted.


    You can add any number of functionalities to your website as if it is custom developed for your needs.

    You can NOT add new functionalities like a blog or a forum with any other website builder.


    The Platform is absolutely free, all you have to pay for is Web Hosting Space. Even the domain name is Free of Cost.

    Mostly other website builders ask for charges and website is NOT free. For additional changes, you need to develop again from start

    icon5Source Code

    You will get complete access to the source code which is powered by the most popular open source CMS in the world.

    Source code access will not be provided to the website owner. This limits customization.


    The websites built on Themestock are SEO friendly.

    Websites built on other platforms are not SEO friendly.


    If you feel like scaling the website, you can hire any programmer/coder in the world and he will be able to scale it for the future. This is due to the easy to read code structure that our platform follows.

    If you want to scale your website in future, you cannot. Since source access will not be provided, scaling your website using coders/programmers becomes impossible with other site builders.

    icon8Form Builder

    Contact forms, lead forms or various other forms can be integrated seamlessly using our platform.

    Form Builder – Form Builder are not provided with other platforms. You can not have any forms in site builders

    icon9Complex Websites

    Themestock gives you the freedom to build even the most complex sites like Classifieds, Video/Audio Streaming, Blog, E-commerce, Real Estate/Property Listing and many more.

    Complex websites cannot be built using simple platforms provided by other site builders. You can build only few page web sites and cannot add additional features like property listing, E-commerce etc.

    icon10Google Support

    All the websites built on Themestock support Google Analytics, Adwords and Adsense.

    Other platforms do not support Google tools like Analytics, Adwords and Adsense.


    All the websites built on Themestock support Access to the most popular and powerful web hosting manager cPanel.

    Other platforms do not provide cPanel.

    icon12Image Gallery/Video Gallery

    All the websites built on Themestock has One click install to Video/Image Gallery to display images and videos in your website.

    Other platforms do not provide Image Gallery option.

    icon13Social Media

    All the websites built on Themestock support Facebook/Twitter..etc Integration.

    Other platforms do not support Social Media Integration.

    icon14FREE Logo design

    All the websites built on Themestock support Free logo design worth 500 USD. Maximum 2 revisions.

    Other platforms do not provide FREE Logo design.

    icon15Backup/Firewall Production

    All the websites built on Themestock support Firewall and Regular backups.

    Other platforms do not provide Backup/Firewall Production.

    icon16AntiVirus Scanning

    All the websites built on Themestock has Protection from Virus and Malwares for your website.

    Other platforms do not provide AntiVirus Scanning.

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