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    Quality Policy

    Anuson Web Solutions Private Limited is the leading web technologies company in India and also the creator of Theme Stcok. Anuson Web Solutions Private Limited a Best Web Design and Development company in Bangalore; we have achieved this distinction by giving the highest priority to quality.

    We intend to uphold the same quality standards in Theme Stock as well. Our quality is duly reflected in the themes that we have created. Each theme has features as complex as slideshows that can be customized using an easy interface and many more. Our designers believe in creating themes and designs that are unique and functional.

    Our development team has created a backend that supports the elegant frontend seamlessly. All the 75+ features that Theme Stock supports are integrated so effectively that you don’t feel any glitches when creating or managing your store.

    Hiring Policy

    Our Quality is directly tied to our hiring Policy. We recruit designers and developers from the best Design and Engineering colleges in the country. Our team is the crème de la crème of the top universities in the country. After hiring, each member is put through a 6 month rigorous training process which has to be successfully completed to become a part of team Theme Stock.

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